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UT1 table

UT1 table

This file records the Earth’s actual rotation in the form of corrections TAI-UT1 in a format readable by TEMPO.

This file is generated from Astropy’s parsing of the IERS bulletins. It should be updated approximately monthly, and it includes the IERS predictions covering about a year after the publication date.

This differs slightly from the version traditionally distributed with TEMPO - that is generated by a combination of a perl script parsing the output from the IERS web form and a custom C program generating predictions. As a result, this generated file may not extend as far into the future as the conventional ut1.dat does. There are also minor differences in some of the early values; the origin of these early values is not completely clear, and some of them predate the earliest values in the IERS bulletins Astropy uses.

If there are any questions, contact Anne Archibald

File T2runtime/clock/ut1.dat
Authority observatory
File start 1973-01-02 MJD 41684.0
File end 2026-02-21 MJD 61092.0
Update interval (days) 0
Last update attempt 2025-02-13
Last update result Updated

Log entries from the last few update attempts:

2025-02-04 20:36:10.790 - Unchanged
2025-02-05 20:37:25.070 - Unchanged
2025-02-06 20:35:44.095 - Updated
2025-02-07 20:36:00.909 - Unchanged
2025-02-08 20:33:59.023 - Unchanged
2025-02-09 20:33:08.270 - Unchanged
2025-02-10 20:36:44.531 - Unchanged
2025-02-11 20:36:47.965 - Unchanged
2025-02-12 20:36:55.646 - Unchanged
2025-02-13 20:36:01.240 - Updated

Full log