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Parkes observatory clock corrections

This file is pulled from the Parkes observatory repository and should be up-to-date.

The comments read:

Tie of Parkes clock to GPS time standard. Sources are listed below.
Where two clock systems existed simultaneously, the dates refer to
periods when the given clock was supplied as the observatory 1 PPS

(before this, clock was tied to Tidbinbilla clock: see pks2tid.clk)
MJD 50844    - 52311.17     Mark IV clock vs Totally Accurate Clock (GPS)
                              from: update_clkcorr -t pksgps4 gps??.dat
MJD 52311.17 - now          Mark VI clock vs GPS East
                              from: update_clkcorr -t pksgps6 pkclk00.*
-- Russell Edwards 24 September 2004

The file includes a first entry on MJD 0.00521 with a clock correction of 1.04 us; while normally we automatically ignore MJD 0 for plotting purposes, this value must be in there for a reason so we retain it.

File T2runtime/clock/pks2gps.clk
Authority temporary
URL in repository
Original download URL
Format tempo2
Bogus last correction False
Clock file start 1858-11-17 MJD 0.0
Clock file end 2024-11-30 MJD 60644.1
Update interval (days) 7
Last update attempt 2025-01-29
Last update result Unchanged

Log entries from the last few update attempts:

2024-11-27 20:39:54.501 - Updated
2024-12-04 20:40:28.159 - Unchanged
2024-12-11 20:40:40.227 - Updated
2024-12-18 20:39:24.188 - Unchanged
2024-12-25 20:35:15.342 - Unchanged
2025-01-01 20:35:34.159 - Unchanged
2025-01-08 20:36:53.996 - Unchanged
2025-01-15 20:35:03.548 - Unchanged
2025-01-22 20:35:06.286 - Unchanged
2025-01-29 20:35:46.116 - Unchanged

Full log

Leading comments from clock file:

# Tie of Parkes clock to GPS time standard. Sources are listed below.
# Where two clock systems existed simultaneously, the dates refer to
# periods when the given clock was supplied as the observatory 1 PPS
# (before this, clock was tied to Tidbinbilla clock: see pks2tid.clk)
# MJD 50844    - 52311.17     Mark IV clock vs Totally Accurate Clock (GPS)
#                               from: update_clkcorr -t pksgps4 gps??.dat
# MJD 52311.17 - now          Mark VI clock vs GPS East
#                               from: update_clkcorr -t pksgps6 pkclk00.*
# -- Russell Edwards 24 September 2004

All clock corrections:

plot of all clock corrections

Recent clock corrections:

plot of recent clock corrections