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Arecibo (TEMPO2 converted from TEMPO)

Arecibo clock corrections (TEMPO2 converted version)

This file was automativally converted from the TEMPO-format Arecibo clock corrections (time_ao.dat), which cover the observatory’s full operational history. Please see the Arecibo clock corrections for details, provenance, and contact information for the original data.

The earliest clock corrections in time_ao.dat predate GPS and are actually referenced to NIST time directly. Clock corrections from after 1995 are referenced to GPS. This file has been manually trimmed to contain only the GPS-referenced data.

If questions arise about the original data, contact David Nice

If questions arise about the conversion, contact Anne Archibald

File T2runtime/clock/ao2gps.clk
Authority temporary
URL in repository
Original download URL
Format tempo2
Bogus last correction False
Clock file start 1996-03-13 MJD 50155.0
Clock file end 2020-08-18 MJD 59079.0
Update interval (days) inf
Last update attempt 2022-06-01
Last update result Updated

Log entries from the last few update attempts:

2022-06-01 14:19:54.628 - Updated

Full log

Leading comments from clock file:

# This file was automatically converted from tempo/clock/time_ao.dat on 2022-06-01 14:19:54.601
# Early data in time_ao.dat is referenced to NIST rather than to GPS, so
# that data has been removed and is present in ao2nist.clk.
# May 2022: it was noticed that the following are out of time order,
#    so Tempo won't use them correctly.
# Their origin is unknown.  They look like a hack.
#    They are being commented outfor now.
#  49528.1       73.492      71.487 3 f  25-JUN-94  raw readouts
#  49544.9       72.0        73.0   3 f  11-JUL-94  no data, rough interp.-->
#  49545.9       72.0        73.1   3 f  12-JUL-94  --> need more precision
#  49557.79      74.213      74.287 3 f  24-JUL-94  your time.dat

All clock corrections:

plot of all clock corrections

Recent clock corrections:

plot of recent clock corrections